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Sunday Worship Service


Location: 55 Crown Street, Holland Park



9:30am - 10:15am Adult and Children's Bible Classes 

10:30am Worship Service


Worshipping God is our primary purpose in life.


Worship consists of focussed times devoted to actions giving honour and glory to God, as well as living in such as way so that our lives bring honour and glory to God. We gather together as a whole community for a weekly time of worship to God each Sunday morning.


Our worship gatherings consist of singing, praying, scripture reading, participation in the Lord’s Supper, giving to support the works of the church, and teaching. Each member is also encouraged to spend time throughout the week individually in worship to God.


We invite you to join us for a time of worship. We would love to get to meet you and share our faith in Jesus with you. We want to share with you the real fullness, and abundance in life that is experienced by following Jesus.


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